2017-05-03 由: 云顶yd2223线路检测发布 浏览: 阅读次数: 次
2024.01~至今 聊城大学,云顶yd2223线路检测,副教授,硕士生导师
2018.01~2023.12 聊城大学,云顶yd2223线路检测,讲师,硕士生导师
2012.9~2017.12 工学博士(硕博连读),湖南大学×云顶yd2223线路检测,材料科学与工程,导师:周灵平教授,符立才教授
2008.9~2012.6 学士,山东理工大学,材料化学
1. 特种化学电源:热电池、锂氟化碳电池、超低温离子电池
2. 过渡金属氧化物、硫化物、卤化物的合成与改性
3. 熔盐电化学在储能电池、碳改性及废旧锂离子电池回收等领域的应用
2.山东省自然基金:长寿命热电池用纳微结构NiS2/C正极材料的高热稳定性研究(ZR2019PEE035), 2019.07-2022.06,主持。
1. Ting Wang , Chuanyu Jin *, Zhenlong Liang , Xianghua Zhang , Yujing Zhu, Tong Lv, Zhipeng Yin, Wulin Yang, Jiajun Zhu, Licai Fu, Lingping Zhou**,VO2/CNTs thick cathode electrode with multi-dimensional electron transport pathways enabled by rolling for high energy thermal batteries,Ceramics International 50 (2024) 12088–12099
2. Caiping Xu , Chuanyu Jin * , Lintao Liu , Yu Qi , Fangjie Xie , Jie Chen , Yaning Chang , Na Du , Shengyang Cheng, Stabilized electrode phase by prelithiating V2O5 cathode materials for high-specific energy thermal batteries, Journal of Energy Storage 65 (2023) 107284.
3. Caiping Xu, Chuanyu Jin*, Yujing Zhu, Xianghua Zhang, Limin Zhao, Xipeng Pu, Wenzhi Li, Licai Fu, Lingping Zhou**, High-temperature ultrafast welding creating favorable V2O5 and conductive agents interface for high specific energy thermal batteries, Ceramics International 49 (2023) 1791–1799.
4. Caiping Xu, Chuanyu Jin *, Xin Gong, Xiyue Wang, Shuhan Xie, Yingtong Fan, Increasing interfacial infiltration between cathode materials and solid molten salt for high power thermal batteries, Journal of Energy Storage 45 (2022) 103742.
5. Caiping Xu, Chuanyu Jin*, Xiyue Wang, Xin Gong, Jie Yin, Limin Zhao, Xipeng Pu, Wenzhi Li, Structured confinement effects of hierarchical V2O5 cathodes to suppress flow of molten salt in high specific energy thermal batteries with binder-free MgO, Electrochimica Acta 401 (2022)139496.
6. Caiping Xu, Chuanyu Jin*, Jiaqi Liu, Kaixu Song, Xiyue Wang, Xin Gong, Nano-sized flexible hollow carbon buffer layer improves capacitance of micro-nano NiS2/C electrode in supercapacitors Journal of Energy Storage 36 (2021) 102394.
7. C.Y. Jin*, K.X. Song, J.Q. Liu, B. Ge, L.M. Zhao, X.P. Pu, W.Z. Li, Flexible, self-assembly NiS2/C thin film cathodes for long life thermal battery Journal of Alloys and Compounds 833(2020)155091
8. C.Y. Jin, L.C. Fu*, B. Ge, X.P. Pu, W.Z. Li, L.P. Zhou*, The NiCl2/NiS2@C double active composite cathodes with surface synergistic effects for high-power thermal battery Journal of Alloys and Compounds 800 (2019) 518-524.
9. C.Y. Jin, L.P. Zhou*, L.C. Fu, J.J. Zhu, D.Y. Li, Synthesis and discharge performances of NiCl2 by surface modification of carbon coating as cathode material of thermal battery, Applied Surface Science 402 (2017) 308-313.
10. C.Y. Jin, L.P. Zhou*, L.C. Fu, J.J. Zhu, D.Y. Li, W.L. Yang,The acceleration intermediate phase (NiS and Ni3S2) evolution by nanocrystallization in Li/NiS2 thermal batteries with high specific capacity, Journal of Power Sources 352 (2017) 83-89.
11. C.Y. Jin, L.C. Fu*, J.J. Zhu, W.L. Yang, D.Y. Li, L.P. Zhou*, A hierarchical carbon modified nano-NiS2 cathode with high thermal stability for a high energy thermal battery, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 7123-7132.
金传玉;徐彩萍;尹杰;赵利民;蒲锡鹏;李文智.一种无粘接剂型V2O5/熔融盐电极材料及其制备方法和应用 2024.01 中国 ZL 2021 1 1118278.5